Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Life is nothing but an unknown world and you have to survive into it
Sometimes you feel, you know it and sometimes you find yourself as stranger
But no one can guess what will happen in the next moment
Coz it is the unknown path in every moment in the unknown world

Life is nothing but a mirror and you have to see yourself into it

Sometimes it will show your beauty and sometimes it will show your ugliness
But don’t be egoist by your beauty and don’t be frustrate by your ugliness
Coz it will just show you how you want to see yourself into it

Life is nothing but a garden of emotions and you have to feel it

Sometimes you find nice smell of flowers and sometimes you will hate it
But try to get better things from it and leave the things, which you don’t like it
Coz it is just a matter of taste that can be change by person to person

Life is nothing but a share of sensations and you have to share it

Sometimes you will find the happiness and sometimes you will find sorrow
But try to enjoy the happiness and forget to sorrow
Coz they are nothing but the time being emotions, which are changes with the time,

Life is nothing but a moment and you have to live it

Sometimes it can be a tiny and sometimes it can be so big which never ends,
But it is all depends on how you look towards it
Coz it is just a moment, which you live in happiness and sorrow

Life is nothing but a game and you have to play game,

Sometimes you will win it and sometimes you will loose the game
But please don’t just play the game and please don’t take it lightly
Coz you to have to play the Game; to Win the Game, to Win the Game, to Win the Game ………..

Note : Please ignore the grammar mistake as I like its originality since I wrote it

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