Monday, April 22, 2019


Hey guys,
                 It is the very beautiful night and right now its 2.00 am. I seated in my room with my laptop and listening the songs of Kishor Kumar. I am drinking hot tea and seated on the bed located just besides of the window. I seated in front of the window from where I am looking a beautiful canal with blinking water due to road streetlights. My room is just in front of the road. I can see trees just besides of my window. The environment is very calm except the voice of Kishor Kumar. I am just crazy about the songs. I seated just near to window where I can see moving the thin window curtains due to slow airflow. There is also one Philips TV located just right hand besides the window, and I am looking one English movie without the voice side by side while writing the poem. I am going to sleep I have to cook in morning and catch the bus of 7:30 am so excuse me for spelling mistakes coz  I am not in the mood of spell check and plz don’t forget to send me your opinions.



Life is nothing but an unknown world and you have to survive into it Sometimes you will feel you know it and sometimes you find yourself as a stranger But no one can guess what will happen in the next moment Coz it is the unknown path in every moment in the unknown world

Life is nothing but a mirror and you have to see yourself into it, Sometimes it will show your beauty and sometimes it will show your ugliness, But don’t be egoist by your beauty and don’t be frustrate by your ugliness, Coz it will just show you how you want see you as yourself into it

Life is nothing but a garden of emotions and you have to feel it Sometimes you will find nice smell of flowers and sometimes you will hate it, But try to get the better things from it and leave the things, which you don’t like, Coz it is just the matter of taste that can be change by person to person
Life is nothing but a share of sensations and you have to share it Sometimes you will find the happiness and sometimes you will find sorrow But try to enjoy the happiness and forgot to the sorrow Coz they are nothing but the time being emotions, which are changes with the time
Life is a nothing but a moment and you have to live it Sometimes it can be a tiny and sometimes it can be so big which never ends, But it is all depends on how you look towards it, Coz it is just a moment, which you live in the happiness and sorrow
Life is nothing but a game and you have to play the game, Sometimes you will win and sometimes you will loss the game, But don’t just play to play the game and please don’t take it casually, Coz you have to play to win the game to win the game ……..

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