Monday, May 13, 2019

Commercial Papers

Commercial paper is a low-cost alternative to bank loans. It is a short term unsecured promissory note issued by corporate and financial institutions at a discounted value on face value. They are usually issued with fixed maturity between one to 270 days and for financing of accounts receivables, inventories and meeting short term liabilities. Say, for example, a company has receivables of Rs 1 lacs with credit period 6 months. It will not be able to liquidate its receivables before 6 months. The company is in need of funds. It can issue commercial papers in form of unsecured promissory notes at discount of 10% on face value of Rs 1 lacs to be matured after 6 months. The company has strong credit rating and finds buyers easily. The company is able to liquidate its receivables immediately and the buyer is able to earn interest of Rs 10K over a period of 6 months. They yield higher returns as compared to T-Bills as they are less secure in comparison to these bills; however chances of default are almost negligible but are not zero risk instruments. Commercial paper being an instrument not backed by any collateral, only firms with high quality credit ratings will find buyers easily without offering any substantial discounts. They are issued by corporate to impart flexibility in raising working capital resources at market determined rates. Commercial Papers are actively traded in the secondary market since they are issued in the form of promissory notes and are freely transferable in demat form.

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